Affirmations of Empowerment


Affirmations of Empowerment

Developed by Dr. David Campbell, DSOM, LAc

Inspired by the map of levels of consciousness in Power Vs. Force by David R. Hawkins

Life is a will to power. ~F.W. Nietzsche

200: I give Permission to Possibility through Courage to face difficulties and yet Affirm Empowerment.

250: I Enable Satisfaction through Neutrality by Releasing into Trust.

310: I Inspire Hope through Willingness with Optimistic Intentions.

350: My Mercy brings about Harmony through Acceptance, allowing Transcendence through Forgiveness.

400: My Wisdom seeks Meaning and insight through Reason, Abstracting Understanding.

500: My Heart opens to Divine Love seeking Benefit for all through Compassion and inviting Revelation through Reverence and empathy.

540: My Oneness is Complete in Joy, as I am Transfigured by Serenity, effortlessly healing. 

600: All-Being is Perfected in Peace, illuminated in the timeless Bliss of realizing the divine nature of self. 

888+: The Universal Self is Liberated in the eternal Ineffability of Pure Consciousness, as the ever-present origin and conclusion of all phenomena.  

David Campbell